There are two circulation paths for the house; the ramp symmetrically middle of the house and the spiral stairs located in the north-eastern area of the house. In comparing the two different types of paths and their relations to the house, the shapes are firstly quite different and juxtaposing. The ramp provides a horizontal progression through the house; it allows slow movement and is parallel to the floor slabs. This way of circulation is much more public and open in contrast with the spiral stairs; it connects between the public spaces between the floors and as the occupants move up the ramp, they can continue to view the surroundings, providing the experience of an architectural promenade; exploring time and revealing the successive perceptions of spaces. The spiral stairs on the other hand allows a fast, vertical progression through the house. The occupants experience no views of the surroundings whilst climbing the stairs, and located in the private part of the house, this circulation path is much more enclosed and private.
The models of the ramp and spiral stairs as a result tries to illustrate the horizontality of the ramp using wood matchsticks and the verticality of the spiral stairs with straight wires which wraps around a spiral. The spiral stairs is poked through the base, to demonstrate the drilling through the house.